How I became and author

Hey Guys,

I was thinking the other day about how I hadn’t shared my author origins story in a while. I know some of you are new to this crazy space, and I thought it would be cool to throw in an interesting story.

I started reading reverse harem when my youngest, E, was born. See, E didn’t want to sleep on her own until she was ten months, which meant I had a lot of late night nursing sessions. The kid was a boobie obsessed piggy.

During those late nights, I’d read on my Paperwhite to reduce the amount of light in the room. At first, I was reading M/F PNR and then I found Jaymin Eve and Jane Washington. MY WORLD exploded. Reverse harem was everything I didn’t know I needed in my life. ALL THE PEENS!!

I became as obsessed as the boobie baby. I’d stay up late, read through naps, even take her in the stroller to the park, and read under the trees. I couldn’t get enough.

Then I dreamed of stories that differed from the ones I was reading. Like I loved all the worlds I was getting imersed in, but there was something missing. I needed action and adventure. Intrigue! Powerful female main characters that kicked ass.

And Azra was born. She floated in my head for months, telling me about her story and how she wanted her guys to be. Grey and how he’d talk like her, but be thrown in with the world of the Fae. Cass and how he always wanted to be a white knight but didn’t know how. Shax and his devious mind and sexy panther ways. And finally Gunnar. He was a surprise, even to me. But the quiet assassin won my heart in the end.

I hope if you’ve read Death Card, you’ve enjoyed my characters as much as I did. When the series ended, I was sad. I felt like there was so much more to tell. Even though Azra and her guys got their happily ever after, I needed to know what would happen next. The epilogue in Death Reigns helped with that, giving me all the babies and pregnancies that I needed from them so much. After all, it all started with a boobie obsessed piggy.

<3 AC


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